Thursday, August 24, 2006

American Intelligence

This goes as follows.
First line - American Intelligence
Second line - Action By US Govt.
Third line - Results

Vietnam can be occupied - In future we can have access to china from here
It is a mess (Run away)

Japanese should learn a lesson
Atom Bomb
Thousands of civilians killed - A permanent stigma for USA

Russia is going to attack on Afghanistan
Appreciate them to go for war - Help the Afghanis to fight against Russia - Sell Opium to get more money
Russia collapsed Financially

Afghanis got Russian arms
Don't let them make a government
Afghanistan internal war for 11 years

S! addam is going for war on Iran
Appreciate him - Sell him arms (Don't forget Iran - sell them arms too)
Iran Iraq war of 10 years

Saddam is going for war on Kuwait
Appreciate him
A severe attack on Kuwait

Kuwait is occupied
Send US forces to protect KSA and Kuwait from Iraq Oppression
US forces are still in these countries

Saddam is no more with us
Sanctions - Sanctions - Sanctions
150000 children died due to non availability of medicine

Osama is going to attack on wtc
Wtc Attacked

Osama is in Afghanistan
Occupy Afghanistan
Osama is not in Afghanistan - Afghanistan is a mess - UNO should take control

Osama has a link with Iraq
Occupy Oil - I me! an Occup y Iraq
Protests world wide

Iraq has the weapons of mass destruction that we provided in previous wars
Oh - Occupy Iraq
Protest Increased

People of Iraq will welcome America
hmmm Go for attack
Iraq occupied - Hundreds of people died - ("We were telling a lie about weapons of mass destruction and nuclear weapons in iraq" Bush )

People have not welcomed USA
Ask UNO for help
Iraq is a mess - UNO should help us

India and Pakistan are going to solve the Kashmir Conflict
We will lose two very important customers of our arms , Start bomb blasts on both sides
Hundreds of people died in Karachi Baloochistan and Mumbai
Mission Accomplished Successfully

Hammas is fighting for their land
They are terrorist - Oppress them
More "Terrorists" are born

Hezbollah is support hammas
Hezbollah is also terrorist - we should teach them a lesson
Israel is buying american arms

People of Lebanon support Hezbollah
Support attack on lebanon - The hate for hezbollah will increase - Kill civilians so that hezbollah can learn a lesson for messing with our friend
Hundreds of civilians died.

People of Lebanon support Hezbollah more then past - In future Hezbollah will win the elections
Oh shit
Lebanon is a mess - UNO should help us

People are turning against us
Ask Osama to release a new video
Coming Soon!!!

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