Saturday, September 02, 2006

Striking history

There is a photography exhibition on the Tsunami tragedy at the new island-Baray lake. Today on a short notice I happened to drop by with one of my friends. Since photography is my personnel interest and tsunami is some thing worth remembering the photographs exhibited struck deep in to my mind. It was the first time I came upon such touching collection of photographs taken on the Tsunami incident which was not revealed before.

I was in Kalmunai on the dawn of 2005 new year day participating on a Tsunami relief campaign organized by the company and its was a quite salient experience for me. I have only spent 24 hours on that locations doing the relief work and handing out food and other necessary items to the needy. At the end of the day I felt like the world has become a completely different place and life has become inexpensive and fragile in every view point. And I can’t even imagine how the people who faced the tragedy overcame and rebuild their lives. While viewing the exhibition I felt like I was dragged back to that feeling and the world had started to spin the opposite direction.

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